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Keep Safe Your Files. Hire Copier Maintenance Specialists

Everyone must comply with the security laws, especially that the processes involve handling sensitive patient information on a daily basis. Strict compliance is ensured by the Department of Health and Human Services on every machine being used where data could be stored. The amount of data that is contained in the copier machine’s hard drive, for instance, can cause security issues when not handled properly. It is also expected that work is executed within the regulations of Health Insurance Portability and Accessibility Act or HIPAA. Through the years, office machines have brought security risks in businesses; thus, regular check-ups should be performed by copier maintenance Kansas City specialists so problems are addressed properly without breaching confidentiality issues.

If you plan to get copiers for your office in Kansas City, you can buy or lease copiers in Kansas City. We can give you the option to get the copier that you want.  You can contact our local copier leasing services department in your location.

If your Location is around Kansas City, you may call us at (913) 203-1300, and our personnel for copier leasing in Kansas City will assist you.   If you are also looking for copier repair services in Kansas City, you may contact our copier repair personnel at the same number.

Since each time that a document is printed or relayed to the printer, a copy of the document is also stored in the hard drive, critical security issues may really surface anytime. Although not common to many, companies may be subjected to pay huge fines for security breach incidents, including circumstance that involve copiers and printers.

How do you make sure that information in hard drives are safe?

Information security breach should be the last thing that you will worry about your business, and here’s a checklist on how to keep safe it easily.

Make sure that the machine is visible to you, at all times.

Most of the time, printers are placed on the most convenient part of offices so everyone can grab the documents they have printed conveniently. If this is also the setup in your office, make sure that you get to see each person who is using it and the machine itself. Never allow the machine or the hard drives to be taken outside of the office.

Have rules on how to stick to the HIPAA guidelines.

For businesses under the health care industry, it is of great importance that you are compliant to the laws and regulations set by HIPAA and DHHS.

Empty hard drives after lease contract.

Leasing copiers is common especially for those who do not want to purchase one yet or if the business does not require the services of the printer on a regular basis. Make sure that at the end of the lease contract, you have emptied or wiped out data stored on the hard drives before sending it back to the leasing company.

Limit “smart” access.

A lot of the printers in the market, if not all, can be accessed through smart devices already. This only means seamless accessibility amongst a lot of users and multiple user connect each time. While this is an efficient feature, it could be risky. Make sure to setup biometrics or passcodes to ensure that access is only given by authorized personnel.

Orient workers about paper handling and disposals.

Make sure that everyone follows the policy. When one is printing a document, this should not be left unattended but rather should be collected in a timely manner. For disposal, a shredding machine must be provided to avoid security risks.

Most importantly, hire only professional copiers maintenance Kansas City experts so data are handled properly. You can go about normal tasks in the office, while an expert is dealing with the machine and everything stored in it safely.