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An Office Manager Will Save You; Here’s How

If you’re an owner of a start-up company and you feel like the ground moving, or in your gut that something’s clicking, then your business must be growing! As an owner of a copier leasing in Kansas City, you need to be ahead of the game on everything copier leasing-related. What services are your competitors offering that you don’t? What other equipment do they have? How do they make clients stick? These are some of the questions that concern the copier lease industry. It’s a thing of stepping up and being the industry leader.

With all the external aspects piling up on your regular to-do list, you cannot deny that for your clients to have the best copier lease in Kansas City also involves a lot of internal work. Paperwork, processes, checks, and balances, you name it, we bet you have faced all of this in a single week. It’s a bit dreadful, isn’t it? You may have even spent an x amount of days and nights to accomplish mundane tasks. You need to have more time to focus on improving the business — making it the top copier leasing in Kansas City, instead of ensuring that the office Wi-Fi is not broken. Again.

An Office Manager Will Save You; Here’s How

You may have been bummed out of all the bureaucratic issues like mid-month and end-of-month payroll, productivity reports, filing systems. Probably you’re wearing too many hats, that you have little time to really build the business further. If you have ticked any of these things, then you’re in dire need of an office manager for your copier leasing business.

Not yet convinced? Read further below to know why you need to do another hire:

Take Note of the 15 Percent Rule

Ashish Rangnekar of BenchPrep has this rule where if anyone in your company is spending about 10 percent or more of their day to settle admin work, then it’s an indicator for you to employ an office manager. That’s about at least 1 hour of their day in a normal 8-hour shift. Since you are a start-up copier lease in Kansas City, everyone, including executives, have to chip in ideas to bring the business forward. When you’re on the same boat at the same time, growing the business becomes more bearable.

Organizational efficiency

When your business is growing with a higher volume of clientele, it involves an increase in manpower, too. Part of that is onboarding new people into the business, showing them the work processes you follow, principles, negotiating contracts, and ultimately, the company culture. Tied to that last aspect is enforcing the company policies. You’ll know that you’ll need a manager when you get complaints from your copier lease clients.

It trickles down to your business’ service, where customers might complain of sub-par service. When you’re starting to get an influx of this, it could be a reflection of the office’s systems and processes. You need someone to regularly check if your employees and customers are pleased with what they are experiencing.

Have more time for yourself!

Last but not least is if you’re losing your sanity because of work. If you no longer have time for things you enjoy like going to the movies with your other half or trekking up a mountain at least once a month because work is taking up your time even during the weekends, then stop denying that you need someone to assist you and your business. There’s still so much more to accomplish to the point where it might feel endless, so bring overworked is something that should be on the last of your list.

To keep a business functioning and well-oiled is imperative, so for you to make your copier lease business open for more customers, an office manager is someone who might help you scale. Probably not directly help you, but it’s one of the building blocks to make you formidable in the competitive landscape.

If you plan to get copiers for your office in Kansas City, you can opt to buy copiers or lease copiers in Kansas City. We can give you the option to get the copier that you want.  You can contact our local copier leasing services department in your location.

If your Location is around Kansas City, you may call us at (913) 203-1300, our personnel for copier leasing in Kansas City will assist you. If you are also looking for copier repair services in Kansas City, you may contact our copier repair personnel at the same number.