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When Is The Best Time To Replace Your Copier?

Whether you know it or not, your copier is probably one of the most important moving parts that can help keep your business running. Your employees rely on your copier lease more than you might imagine, especially during deadlines and at times of high volume tasks and projects. It is phenomenal what copiers can do nowadays. From mobile printing, scanning to email, and everything in between, your copier is probably your company’s most prized possession. 

With all the great things that your copier does for your business, we know that it can also cause some unwanted stress. We all know that a broken copier is the worst, especially if your company relies on it on a daily basis. Ever get the feeling that it just breaks down only during important deadlines or is it getting to become a regular thing?

If you plan to get copiers for your office in Kansas City, you can opt to buy copiers or lease copiers in Kansas City. We can give you the option to get the copier that you want.  You can contact our local copier leasing services department in your location.

If your Location is around Kansas City, you may call us at (913) 203-1300, our personnel for copier leasing in Kansas City will assist you. If you are also looking for copier repair services in Kansas City, you may contact our copier repair personnel at the same number.

So how do you know the best time to replace your copier? Do you let it run its course, or do you nip the issues in the bud, preventing months of stress that comes with a broken copier?

Your employees start to complain

If we could guess, you are probably getting sick of hearing the phrase that the copier is broken again. If your employees continue to use this phrase more and more frequently, or maybe they are abusing the copier, it might be time to listen to them. Listening to your employees about matters like a lousy or slow-working copier is needed for company growth. It is likely that your employees have seen a decrease in efficiency as the copier is probably no longer supporting their daily jobs and tasks they need to complete for them to successfully do their job. 

In the past, it may be easier for you to brush your employees’ complaints under the rug and visit them at a later time. But the time is now, instead of putting off looking into your copier’s issues, take the time to do a bit of analysis. The sooner that you identify the problems that your employees are having, the happier and more productive they will become, or maybe the entire office. 

Toner and parts are becoming difficult to find

Let us face it, all technology nowadays is changing and growing faster than it ever has, making it more difficult to keep up with the newest and latest devices and trends. Whether it is a smartphone or a copier, you do not have the option anymore to sit back and to let your devices become outdated. Like cell phone charges, toner and other copier parts become obsolete as newer products arise on the market. 

Take it as a sign if you are having trouble finding the right parts or toner for your office copy machine, especially if your copier is an older version. Copiers are evolving all the time, and to provide your copier with the proper parts needed to function, you have got to make sure that those parts are available. 

If you are in fact, having issues finding the correct parts for your copier, and your copier leasing in Kansas City is relatively has a newer model, do not hesitate to reach out to the manufacturer or the place where you bought the copier from. They can help you identify and buy the right toner and products for your specific machine. 

Newer technology means better results

The use of new technology that comes with newer copiers ensures that your print jobs are printing faster, as well as resulting in much better print quality. Even something like a better print resolution can go a very long way and make such a difference when it comes to the reports that you are copying, printing and sharing.

We understand that change is very scary, and we got used to not fixing things that are not broken. But just because you are not considering your copier broke, it does not mean that it is working to the fullest potential that your business deserves. You would be surprised at how a little upgrade in office technology increases the productivity of your employees.